Sangfor Next Generation Application Firewall(NGAF)

Sangfor Next Generation Application Firewall(NGAF)
Product Overview
Sangfor NGAF (Next-Generation Application Firewall), is a new application-oriented network security device designed for the application layer, which can identify users, applications and content, has complete security protection capabilities, can replace traditional firewalls, and has strong application layer processing capabilities. NGAF addresses the deficiencies of traditional security equipment in application recognition, access control, content security protection, etc. At the same time, performance does not drop drastically after all functions are enabled. As an upgrade replacement product for traditional firewalls, Sangfor NGAF is different from traditional firewalls that work at the L2-L4 layer, and can analyze the entire network traffic in both directions in depth at the data content level. In terms of security policy formulation, regions are different from traditional firewall five-element security policies, and Sangfor NGAF can formulate two-way security access policies for more elements of the L2-L7 layer (such as users, application types, URLs, data content, etc.), making the security policies more detailed and effective, and meeting business compliance. In terms of security protection capabilities, traditional anti-attack capabilities have been enhanced, which can not only protect against attacks at the network layer, but also protect against application-layer attacks from a wider range of sources, easier to attack, and more harmful, to achieve L2-L7 layer security. At the same time, Sangfor NGAF uses a new software and hardware architecture to reduce performance consumption when various complex security policies and L2-L7 layer multi-function protection functions are all enabled, and achieve high application layer performance.
In the cybersecurity industry, Sangfor has accumulated rich experience for more than ten years. It has now obtained sales licenses from the Ministry of Public Security, ISCCC, CMMI5, CNCERT national support units, etc.; at the same time, it also has international certifications such as OWASP and ICSA. These are not only recognition of the company's technical strength, but also a fundamental guarantee that more users can confidently choose the next generation firewall.
Up to now, Sangfor the number of users of the next generation firewall has reached 40,000 +, and it has gained wide influence in various industries. More than 90% of domestic government departments and departments, more than 80% of the world's top 500 Chinese enterprises, more than 80% of banks, securities and insurance institutions, more than 85% of 985 and 211 universities, and more than 90% of the top 100 medical institutions are Sangfor users.
Operating System
Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux AF5.8.68 R5 Build20160111
Delivery Methods