TigerGraph Version 3 (Enterprise Edition)
Product Overview
TigerGraph is an analytical platform for creating large-scale graph applications — opening up new possibilities for graph technology. TigerGraph provides a native enterprise-grade MPP (Massive Parallel Processing) database and GraphStudio (a visualization SDK that makes it easy to design and explore graphs). TigerGraph supports applications such as combining AI and machine learning with real-time analytics techniques to make sense of ever-changing big data in Client 360, recommendations, anti-fraud, IoT, time and geospatial analysis, and cybersecurity. The Enterprise Edition includes multi-user role-based access control and MultiGraph (TM) to securely manage multiple data domains through shared security. The hourly VM image is designed for single-instance use. If you're ready to run a TigerGraph cluster on Amazon Web Services, contact TigerGraph Sales for custom pricing: rwu@tigergraph.com
Operating System
Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux Amazon Linux 2 AMI
Delivery Methods