Product Overview
It's a Web IDE built on Cloud9 Core. Users only need a browser to write, run, and debug code. This Web IDE includes a code editor, debugger, and terminal. At the same time, basic tools for common programming languages such as Python are pre-packaged, so users can start new projects without installing files or configuring a development environment. The Web IDE is cloud-based, so projects can be completed from the office, home, or anywhere using an internet-connected computer.
Amazon Web Services has launched Cloud9 services in overseas regions. In addition to the basic web development functions described above, Cloud9 can also provide a seamless experience for developing serverless applications, enabling users to easily define resources, perform debugging, and switch back and forth between local and remote execution of serverless applications. With Cloud9, users can quickly share development environments with teams, so they can pair programs and track each other's input in real time.
Currently, Amazon Web Services has not yet launched Cloud9 services in the Beijing and Ningxia regions, so this AMI uses the open source Cloud9 Core to build Web IDE, which can quickly launch a Cloud9 based Web IDE.Cloud9 Core in the Beijing and Ningxia regions ( https://github.com/c9/core) is used to develop a Cloud9 plug-in to build a custom IDE based on Cloud9 through Cloud9 Core.
Note: The Cloud9 IDE launched using this AMI does not support Lambda's development and debugging features
For maintenance information related to this AMI, please refer to https://github.com/linjungz/cloud9
Operating System
Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo)
Delivery Methods