Remote Desktop based on NVIDIA GRID and NICE DCV
Product Overview
This is a Linux remote desktop based on the NVIDIA GRID driver and NICE DCV. After starting, users can access it remotely directly through a browser or NICE DCV client using a graphical interface, so they can easily start cloud office, cloud design, cloud rendering, cloud gaming, etc. For Amazon Web Serviecs G4 instances, Remote Desktop is pre-installed with GRID drivers for NVIDIA T4 graphics cards to better support scenarios such as graphics rendering and remote desktop display; the NICE DCV server is pre-installed to support high-quality remote desktop connections. Remote Desktop is cloud-based, so users can complete projects from their office, home, or anywhere using an internet-connected computer.
The Amazon EC2 G4 instance is equipped with an NVIDIA T4 graphics card and requires a corresponding GPU driver to cooperate. The official Amazon Web Services documentation provides installation steps for drivers authorized by NVIDIA for G4 instances, such as Tesla, GRID, and Gaming, to meet the needs of different scenarios. Among them, the GRID driver provides the best performance for professional visualization applications that render 3D models or high-resolution videos. Remote Desktop comes pre-installed with the GRID driver to help users save time and effort for manual installation.
NICE DCV is a high-performance remote display protocol that provides users with a secure and efficient way to transfer remote desktops to local devices, and is free to use on Amazon EC2. Remote Desktop comes pre-installed with the NICE DCV server-side software and is configured to automatically launch the software and sessions, helping users save time and effort for manual installation and configuration.
Combined with the pre-installed NVIDIA GRID driver and NICE DCV server-side software, users can start using CentOS's remote desktop features without configuration once the instance is launched. Remote Desktop is built on CentOS 7.
Operating System
Linux/Unix, CentOS CentOS 7.8
Delivery Methods