JihuGitLab(Tax rate:13%)--Free Trial Available
Product Overview
This product provides a 30-day free trial. You can apply for a free trial: You can contact Ge Haiyang, 13811132028. We will provide you with a free 30-day free trial of the Ultimate Edition of Jihu GitLab through an private offer. After the free trial expires, you will automatically be charged based on the online quotation:
Single: A single application covering the entire DevOps lifecycle
A software innovation factory that supports the entire DevOps lifecycle
Single application, delivery of a complete DevSecOps platform
One interface, one user model, one data model
Open: open source
An open development model allows anyone to contribute to the product
A unique and transparent product development process that involves the world
We are committed to implementing core values into the way we develop products and interact with our community and customers
Security: Providing all-round security protection for enterprise IT R&D
Safety features right out of the box
Automated security testing and audit controls to facilitate policy compliance
Better collaboration between development and security teams
极狐 GitLabVideo
Operating System
Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 24.04
Delivery Methods