Veritas Resiliency Platform (RM)
Product Overview
The Veritas Resiliency Platform (VRP) uses Amazon Web Technology resources to provide one-click disaster recovery management for local data center applications. By achieving direct integration with Amazon EBS storage, it provides faster replication efficiency and guarantees the target level of recovery services. Supports orchestration processes for multi-tier applications to provide automated, rapid disaster recovery management. Provide detailed disaster recovery reports to enhance insight for business continuity management. Ensure data consistency between source and target environments through simultaneous shutdown and startup management. The built-in disaster recovery drill function is provided without affecting the business, improving the reliability of the solution. Gain global asset insight through a single dashboard.
Resiliency Manager (RM) includes a core management database, a web management console, and services to manage and protect application assets within a flexible domain and automate application switching and scheduling.
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Operating System
Linux/Unix, Other release 6.9
Delivery Methods