Product Overview
Applications are reachable
High availability applications and data centers: Advanced server load balancing (SLB) and global server load balancing (GSLB) ensure maximum uptime by detecting local and remote outages. Based on the results of advanced health checks, the A10 Thunder ADC is able to send connection requests to active servers and data centers, and the entire process is transparent to end users.
Next Generation Cloud Data Center Evolution: Prepare your network for the next phase of evolution with infrastructure as a service (IaaS) capabilities. Using vThunder virtual devices, it benefits from the integration of SDNS (software-defined networks), superposition networks (VXLAN and NVGRE), cloud collaboration systems (OpenStack, Microsoft SCVMM, Cisco ACI, etc.), and network function virtualization (NFV), and enables the insertion of service chains and traffic.
Rapid deployment and application configuration: For common applications from companies such as Microsoft (Exchange, Lync, SharePoint) and Oracle, you can quickly deploy critical applications by quickly enabling pre-defined smart templates. The entire deployment time can be completed in hours, not days or even weeks. For long-connection applications based on message messages, the A10 Thunder ADC can perform load balancing (MBLB) processing for each server under the long-connection application. When an application server fails at a single point, the application can automatically and seamlessly switch to another server. When the server fault repair is launched, the application can be seamlessly switched back off to rebalance the application load pressure.
Application acceleration
Application acceleration brings a better user experience, full control and deep packet inspection (DPI) capabilities to solve complex problems: aFleX® TCL scripts provide fine-grained traffic conversion capabilities to regulate traffic as needed for your application. Additionally, customers can quickly complete the most common configuration requirements through dedicated pre-configured templates and features such as L7 URL exchange.
Optimize IT operations through flexible management: The Harmony unified management platform can manage multiple A10 Thunder devices, and various management functions can effectively simplify operations, whether it's push configurations, aFleX rules, backup SSL keys, etc. The API based on aFleX® REST enables full management and control through customized scripts, supports internal management operations, and can also be integrated into third-party management systems. Additionally, we offer a variety of plug-ins and product packages that can be used with partner management systems such as Microsoft SCVMM.
Application security
Strengthen data center security: An ICSA certified web application firewall (WAF) can withstand the top ten security threats faced by web application servers published by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) and effectively protect web servers. At the same time, a DNS application firewall (DAF) can provide advanced protection against Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure attacks, making full use of mitigation methods such as granular application rules and rate limits for query behavior.
Strengthen, extend, and optimize your existing DMZ security infrastructure: Thunder supports up to 155 Gbps of throughput, and its firewall load balancing (FWLB) enables seamless expansion of existing security products.
Effectively protect against the latest security threats: When security threats occur, the A10 Thunder ADC can initiate effective countermeasures for your network. Every Thunder product has DDoS protection, and FPGA FTA-based models can handle large-scale attacks against application servers. FPGA models protect against the most common capacity exhaustion attacks, while general-purpose CPUs can handle the most complex application attacks (such as SlowLoris and HTTP flooding attacks).
Simple authentication and authorization: Thunder ADC has an application access management (AAM) function that authenticates users and enforces corresponding access policies. Supporting a wide range of authentication protocols including SAML and Kerberos, Thunder ADC helps customers carry out centralized verification management to effectively reduce operating costs.
Operating System
Linux/Unix, Other 16.04
Delivery Methods