About 西云数据
宁夏西云数据科技有限公司(简称”西云数据”)是 Amazon Web Services 中国 (宁夏) 区域云服务的运营方和服务提供方。Amazon Web Services 为西云数据的战略技术合作伙伴并向西云数据提供技术服务和技术支持。西云数据成立于2015年,是一家持有互联网数据中心服务和互联网资源协作服务牌照的云服务提供商。 2017年12月12日, 西云数据正式推出Amazon Web Services 中国 (宁夏)区域云服务,现已开通3个可用区。西云数据市场销售总部设立于北京,在全国多地设有分支机构以服务全国各地的企业客户。西云数据致力于将世界先进的 Amazon Web Services 云计算技术带给中国客户,为客户提供优质、安全、稳定、可靠的云服务,全力支持中国企业和机构的创新发展。
- Sold by 西云数据
Built by the original Milvus factory, Zilliz Cloud provides a fully managed vector database service that is deeply optimized and ready to use out of the box. Zilliz Cloud helps build AI applications and unleash the full potential of unstructured data.
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Dify Enterprise Edition, which runs on Amazon Web Services and can be used by enterprises and large teams to build AI applications.
- Version Version 1.0
- Sold by 西云数据
Starting from CN¥2.04/hr or from CN¥17,700.00/yr (1% savings) for software + Amazon Web Services usage fees
MyScale is a complete AI database that integrates vector search and storage capabilities into an expandable OLAP database to support efficient storage and processing of structured and unstructured data. Its vector search algorithm provides 10 times the performance of competitors and reduces memory consumption by 75%. It also provides full SQL support and enterprise-grade security/access control integration. myScale is designed to reduce engineering complexity while ensuring optimal performance for AI applications.
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Xinference Enterprise is an enterprise-grade inference service platform with comprehensive capabilities tailored to generative AI scenarios. By providing unified heterogeneous computing power inference services, full life cycle management of models, and enterprise-level management capabilities with observable operation and maintenance, we help customers quickly build large model implementation platforms and accelerate the AI innovation process
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